Senior Fotogenyx

Everyone’s a star.

The Vibe?


You do you, Boo.

Whether you’re more of an upbeat person or like to keep things chill, we’ll meet you at YOUR level.

Pre-session we’ll send you some tips on what to wear and what to expect and during your FotoShoot we’ll help with posing but the vibe is relaxed and the goal is to capture you doing you however you do you.

Of course, no vibe would be complete without a proper playlist in the background so we promise to keep you groovin’ no matter who you are.

You’ll see.

The Zone?

That’s up to you, chief!

Read books? Let’s find a cool library.

Dance? Beach at sunset.

Urban vibe? We know all the sweet spots.

Into sports? Take it to the field/court/game console.

Just want chill? We’ve got some cool zones for that too.

We’ve got tons of great locations in our toolbox so we’ll chat about your expectations and come up will a sweet spot that will fit your vibe.

The Results?

We’ll make you famous!

Or at least kinda Instagram famous for a few days.

You’ll have the opportunity to view all the photos we’ve created and select your favorites right through our online platform.

Your gallery will consist of photos captured in various settings, with different lighting, several different outfits and you are going to amazed at the results!

AND (if you let us!)…

we’ll be posting Instagram/Facebook sneak peeks of your session as your finished (retouched) images become available!

Give us a call to book your session